Performance =========== Large Files ----------- Phpactor is not currently very performant as a **language server** when used on large and complex files. This is due to the (blocking) static analysis overhead from diagnostics. You can improve performance by :ref:`disabling diagnostics` when documents are _updated_ The following command (run in the project root) will update ``.phpactor.json`` to disable diagnostics: .. code-block:: bash $ phpactor config:set language_server.diagnostics_on_update false Indexing -------- The Phpactor indexer will include all files that satisfy the :ref:`include globs` and exclude any files in the :ref:`exclude globs`. Depending on your project you may want to customize this, for example, in a **Symfony** project you can avoid indexing the `var/cache` directory by excluding `/var/cache/**/*`. The following command (run in the project root) will update ``.phpactor.json`` to exclude cache and other common directories: .. code-block:: bash $ phpactor config:set indexer.exclude_patterns '["/vendor/**/Tests/**/*","/vendor/**/tests/**/*","/var/cache/**/*","/vendor/composer/**/*"]'