.. _configuration: Configuration ============= Configuration files are loaded from your current directory, and then from the XDG standard user and system directories, for example: - ``/home/daniel/www/phpactor/phpactor/.phpactor.yml`` - ``/home/daniel/.config/phpactor/phpactor.yml`` - ``/etc/xdg/phpactor/phpactor.yml`` Phpactor will merge configuration files, with more specific configurations overriding the less specific ones. Config Dump ----------- Use the ``config:dump`` command to show the currently loaded configuration files and all of the current settings: .. code:: bash $ phpactor config:dump Config files: [✔] /home/daniel/workspace/myproject/.phpactor.yml [✔] /home/daniel/.config/phpactor/phpactor.yml [𐄂] /etc/xdg/phpactor/phpactor.yml code_transform.class_new.variants: exception:exception # ... etc File Paths ---------- Configured file paths can make use of some special tokens, for example ``%cache%/foobar`` will expand to ``/home/user/.cache/phpactor/foobar``: - ``%cache%``: The absolute path to the phpactor cache dir (e.g. ``/home/user/.cache/phpactor``). - ``%project_root%``: Will expand to the project root (e.g. the current working directory or the value provided by ``--working-dir``). - ``%config%``: The path to Phpactor’s config dir (e.g. ``/home/user/.config/phpactor``). - ``%application_root%``: The path to Phpactor’s own root directory. Reference --------- See: :doc:`../reference/configuration`