


Completors can be enabled or disabled in configuration f.e. completion_worse.completor.worse_parameter.enabled configuration.


Provides suggestions for arguments.

If there are suitable variables in the current scope they will be given priority if they match the type of the method parameter.


function foobar(string $string) {}

$foobar = 'foobar';
$barfoo = 1234;

foobar(/** completion invoked here */);

Given the cursor is at <> $foobar will be suggested with a higher priority than $barfoo and the parameter index will be shown in the completion description.


As with worse_parameter but for constructor arguments.


Provides class member (methods, properties and constants) suggestions. Triggered on :: and ->.


Provides class and function name completion from the Indexer.


This completor will provide class names by scanning the vendor directory and transposing the file names into class names.

This completor is disabled by default when using the Language Server.


Provide completion for local variables in a scope. Triggered on $.


Provide function name completion based on functions defined at _runtime_ in the Phpactor process.

Note that any functions which are not loaded when _Phpactor_ loads will not be available. So this is mainly useful for built-in functions.

This completor is disabled by default when using the Language Server.


Provide constant name completion based on constants defined at _runtime_ in the Phpactor process.

This is mainly useful for built-in constants (e.g. JSON_PRETTY_PRINT or PHP_INT_MAX).


Provide suggestions for any classes imported into the current class with aliases.


Provide completion for class names from class names defined in the Phpactor process.

This is mainly useful when used with the scf_class completor to provide built-in classes.

This completor is disabled by default when using the Language Server.

Type inference


When encountering an assert with instanceof it will cast the variable to that type, or a union of that type. See also #instanceof.


assert($foo instanceof Hello);
assert($foo instanceof Hello || $foo instanceof Goodbye)

$foo-> // type: Hello|Goodbye


Phpactor will track assignemnts:


$a = 'hello';
$b = $a;
$b; // type: string

… and assignments from method calls, class properties, anything reflectable, etc.



try {
   // something
} catch (MyException $e) {
    $e-> // type: MyException


Docblocks are supported for method parameters, return types, class properties and inline declartaions


 * @var string
private $scalar;

 * @var string[]
private $arrayOfType;

 * @var Collection<MyThing>
private $iterableOfMyThing;


Understands foreach with the docblock array annotation:


/** @var Hello[] $foos */
$foos = [];

foreach ($foos as $foo) {
    $foo-> // type:Hello

Also understands simple generics:


/** @var ArrayIterator<Hello> $foos */
$foos = new ArrayIterator([ new Hello() ]);

foreach ($foos as $foo) {
    $foo-> // type:Hello


Understands anonymous functions:


$barfoo = new Barfoo();
$function = function (Foobar $foobar) use ($barfoo) {
    $foobar-> // type: Foobar
    $barfoo-> // type: Barfoo


if statements are evaluated, if they contain instanceof then the type is inferred:


if ($foobar instanceof Hello) {
    $foobar-> // type: Hello

if (false === $foobar instanceof Hello) {

$foobar-> // type: Hello

if ($foobar instanceof Hello || $foobar instanceof Goodbye) {
    $foobar-> // type: Hello|Goodbye


Phpactor supports type injection via docblock:


/** @var Foobar $foobar */
$foobar-> // type: Foobar

and inference from parameters:


function foobar(Barfoo $foobar, $barbar = 'foofoo')
    $foobar; // type: Barfoo
    $barbar; // type: foofoo


Phpactor currently supports the @implements and @extends generic tags:


namespace Foo;

 * @template T
 * @extends IteratorAggregate<T>
interface ReflectionCollection extends \IteratorAggregate, \Countable

 * @template T of ReflectionMember
 * @extends ReflectionCollection<T>
interface ReflectionMemberCollection extends ReflectionCollection
     * @return ReflectionMemberCollection<T>
    public function byName(string $name): ReflectionMemberCollection;

     * @return ReflectionMemberCollection<T>
    public function byMemberType(string $type): ReflectionMemberCollection;

interface ReflectionClassLike
    public function members(): ReflectionMemberCollection;

/** @var ReflectionClassLike $reflection */
foreach ($reflection->members()->byMemberType('fii')->byName('__construct') as $constructor) {