
Large Files

Phpactor is not currently very performant as a language server when used on large and complex files. This is due to the (blocking) static analysis overhead from diagnostics.

You can improve performance by disabling diagnostics when documents are _updated_

The following command (run in the project root) will update .phpactor.json to disable diagnostics:

$ phpactor config:set language_server.diagnostics_on_update false


The Phpactor indexer will include all files that satisfy the include globs and exclude any files in the exclude globs.

Depending on your project you may want to customize this, for example, in a Symfony project you can avoid indexing the var/cache directory by excluding /var/cache/**/*.

The following command (run in the project root) will update .phpactor.json to exclude cache and other common directories:

$ phpactor config:set indexer.exclude_patterns '["/vendor/**/Tests/**/*","/vendor/**/tests/**/*","/var/cache/**/*","/vendor/composer/**/*"]'